Friday, April 30, 2010

The sacrificial altar was disguised as a throne...

So this is it. Today is the last class of game design II. We successfully spent a month creating a concept for a game that couldn't be made, and made a totally different game in the span of about two weeks. I'm fairly proud of us. Since I was put on the tech team but then ran out of things to contribute there I decided to do some art for todays class. The concept of our game revolves around aztec/inca cultures and my biggest contribution to it was the idea and implementation (with help of course) of a sacrifice mechanic in which one player from each team must reach the goal point as the sacrifice for your team to win the game. It's a team oriented game where three classses must work together to reach this goal.

So the art I did for today are some concepts for what the Sacrificial Altars may look like for each side. one side revolves around a snake god, (sort of like Quetzalcoatl) and the other around a sun/cat god (like Tezcatlipoca) Its supposed to be dark comedy so the style and characters are cute, but its also very bloody and violent, in an exaggerated way.

It will be interesting to see just how far we go with this over the summer/next semester.

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